How do I track my hours for payroll?

Your cleaning hours are available for you to see in Swept.

What are Cleaning hours?

Swept makes it easy to see how many hours you logged for your next payday. Just head over to your cleaning hours section. If you notice a difference between these numbers, or have questions about your timesheet, just let your manager know.

Where Are Cleaning Hours Accessed?

Cleaning Hours can be viewed within Swept:

  • Log in to Swept
  • Select Me from the bottom navigation bar
  • Tap Cleaning Hours

Within cleaning hours you can view your hours recorded and approved for the current work period. If you've worked previous pay periods, those can also be accessed.

Details on Cleaning Hours

You'll see the following information about your shifts:

  1. Pay Period: Date range of the current pay period set up by your manager.
  2. Recorded Hours: This is the total of all clock in/outs for the pay period shown. Breaks, travel time, or lunches may not be included.
  3. Approved Hours: Approved hours are determined by the person at your company who manages hours and payroll.
  4. Individual Shifts: Each shift shows the location, date, recorded hours, and approved hours.
Pay Period Details1

NOTE: For calculations, we round down to the nearest minute. For example, if you work for 5 hours, 59 minutes, and 50 seconds, this will be recorded as 5 hours and 59 minutes, NOT 6 hours.

Swept makes it simple to keep track of your hours and ensure everything is accurate!